Naperville Integrated Wellness


Plainfield Functional Medicine

Plainfield, Illinois is a wonderful place to live and visit.  The functional medicine doctor Plainfield calls for wellness, visits all the time!  The town is located in the Chicago metropolitan area, and has a population of over 40,000 people. It has a great school system, with numerous elementary, middle, and high schools. There are also a variety of parks, playgrounds, trails, and other recreational facilities. In addition, Plainfield offers numerous shopping and dining establishments, as well as family-friendly activities. The cost of living is lower than the national average, making it an affordable place to live. The town also has an excellent public transportation system, making it easy to get around.
Many people choose to call Plainfield their home, and it isn’t hard to understand why. This beautiful Chicago suburb features everything you could need: an abundance of restaurants and shopping, good schools, plenty of parks and bike trails, and a small-town community with easy access to big city life. If you’re looking for a family-oriented town near Chicago, you can’t go wrong with Plainfield. At Naperville Integrated Wellness, we’re pleased to provide functional medicine services to Plainfield residents.
plainfield functional medicine doctor


The majority of the patients we see at our functional medicine clinic have had poor experiences with traditional medicine doctors. They may have spent very little time with their physician, and when they did, felt unheard. Too often, the focus in these settings is on “managing symptoms” instead of getting to the root cause of the issue. This means more and more people are on medications that act as a bandaid and never improve the real health issue.
When you work with our functional medicine doctors, you can anticipate being treated like a person, not a set of symptoms. We take the time to sit down with you and assess what’s working for you and what’s not. Through functional medicine testing, we’re able to get a real look into what’s happening inside, determining the source of your health concerns. From there, we create a specific treatment plan that is yours and yours alone based on your labs.  This looks different for everyone. Through lifestyle modification, diet modification, and supplementation your body begins the process of restoration.

Plainfield Functional Medicine Doctor - The Breakdown

A Plainfield functional medicine doctor takes a holistic approach to health and nutrition. They focus on the whole person and investigate the underlying causes of illness, rather than simply treating the symptoms. Functional medicine doctors believe that our biology, lifestyle, environmental exposures, and genetics all contribute to our overall health and wellbeing. To create an individualized treatment plan, they ask detailed questions about a patient’s medical history, lifestyle habits, diet, and environment. They may order tests to assess biochemistry, hormones, digestion, and inflammation. Through this comprehensive approach, functional medicine doctors can diagnose and treat chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, and autoimmune diseases. They also promote healthy lifestyles and provide guidance on nutrition, exercise, stress management, and sleep.

Illnesses Functional Medicine Doctors Treat

Naperville functional medicine doctors specialize in helping patients with chronic illnesses such as autoimmune diseases, diabetes, heart disease, and mental health issues. They focus on the underlying causes of these illnesses rather than just treating the symptoms. Functional medicine doctors use a holistic approach and look for the root cause of the illness, which may be environmental, dietary, or lifestyle related. They also address any imbalances in hormones or nutrients that could be contributing to the illness.

They believe that early intervention is key to preventing the onset of chronic illness and that addressing the root cause is the most effective way to help the patient. Furthermore, functional medicine doctors use a combination of lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and supplements to help treat a variety of illnesses. This approach is becoming increasingly popular with the intent of improving your life naturally.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

A functional medicine doctor can be an invaluable resource for those suffering from IBS. These doctors use a holistic approach to help identify the root cause of the individual's IBS. They take into account dietary habits, lifestyle, environment, and psychological factors that could be contributing to the symptoms. Then, they create a personalized treatment plan that is tailored to each individual. This plan might include nutrition counseling, lifestyle changes, stress management techniques, and/or probiotic supplements.  Additionally, functional medicine doctors may suggest specific dietary modifications to help manage symptoms. These modifications may include avoiding certain trigger foods or following an elimination diet. With the help of a functional medicine doctor, IBS sufferers can find relief from their symptoms and improved quality of life.

Food Sensitivities

A functional medicine doctor may recommend a food sensitivities test to identify any food sensitivities and allergies a patient may have. This test assesses the body’s response to certain foods and may reveal adverse reactions that could be causing undiagnosed symptoms. The test typically involves taking a blood sample which is then sent to a laboratory for analysis. Results are usually available within two weeks of the doctor taking the sample. Upon receiving the results, the functional medicine doctor will provide an overview of the findings and offer advice on how to make dietary changes that can help to reduce inflammation and improve overall health. Depending on the severity of the food sensitivities, the doctor may also recommend additional tests such as breath tests or skin prick tests.

Autoimmune Diseases

Functional medicine doctors have a alternative approach to treating autoimmune diseases. By taking a holistic view of each patient’s health, they are able to identify the underlying root causes of disease and devise personalized treatment plans. Through dietary and lifestyle modifications, these doctors can help bring balance to the body’s immune system by reducing inflammation and supporting healthy gut microbiota. They may also recommend specific vitamins and supplements that can reduce symptoms and support the body’s natural healing processes.

Additionally, functional medicine doctors often use mind-body techniques such as yoga and meditation to ease stress and promote relaxation, which can help reduce symptoms and improve overall health. All in all, functional medicine doctors are invaluable in helping patients with autoimmune diseases take control of their health and livelihoods


Whether you’re looking for IBS testing, food sensitivity, or help with autoimmune, we offer a range of services for different conditions at our functional medicine clinic. We welcome residents from all over Illinois, including from the next town over, Plainfield! Schedule an appointment today, and we will work with you to find a solution to your health problems.


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